1530 Bagley

1530 Bagley St.


What does it look like?

Site plan. Image credit: 4545 Architecture via City of Detroit

What's happening?

Husband-and-wife development team Khaldoon Alaswad and Marijo Upshaw plan a mixed-use building with 10 units and ground-floor retail in Corktown.

Developers: 1530 Bagley Development LLC

What are the property details?

Parcel ID:08000397.
Taxpayer address:1425 BEDFORD RD GROSSE POINTE PARK MI 48230
Dimensions:25 ft by 130 ft
Parcel ID:08000396.
Taxpayer address:1425 BEDFORD RD GROSSE POINTE PARK MI 48230
Dimensions:25 ft by 130 ft
Parcel ID:08000395.
Taxpayer address:1425 BEDFORD RD GROSSE POINTE PARK MI 48230
Dimensions:26 ft by 130 ft
Parcel ID:08000394.
Taxpayer address:1425 BEDFORD RD GROSSE POINTE PARK MI 48230
Dimensions:24 ft by 130 ft
Parcel ID:08000398.
Taxpayer address:23811 MAJESTIC OAK PARK MI 48237
Dimensions:50 ft by 130 ft

Where is it?

What kind of housing is it?



November 12, 2024: Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate Application | Detroit City Council

Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate Application for a new 10-unit apartment building at 1530 Bagley in the Corktown Neighborhood Enterprise Zone area. (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) (The office of the City Planning Commission (CPC) has received (10) applications requesting Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) certificates for new for-sale condominium units.)

October 24, 2024: Approval of Neighborhood Enterprise Zone tax credit recommended to City Council | City Planning Commission

"The office of the City Planning Commission (CPC) has received an application requesting a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) certificate for the construction of a new 10-unit rental apartment building at 1530 Bagley Avenue. The developer will also be applying for a brownfield TIF.... The subject property has been confirmed as being within the boundaries of the Corktown NEZ which was established by City Council in October 1994 and should be eligible for NEZ certificate under the State NEZ Act (Act 147 of 1992). The petitioner submitted the NEZ certificate application dated September 13, 2024, to the City Clerk’s office, and the building permit has not yet been issued. Therefore, it appears the NEZ certificate application has been submitted prior to the issuance of applicable building permits – the NEZ Act (Act 147 of 1992) states the applications must be filed before a building permit is issued. CPC staff have reviewed the application and recommends approval."

June 14, 2023: Project issued a Certificate of Appropriateness | Detroit Historic District Commission

"The DHDC hereby issues a Certificate of Appropriateness (“COA”) for the following work, effective on June 19, 2023, as it meets the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the district’s Elements of Design: Erect multi-family building With the condition that: Additional detailing, which may include additional subdivision of windows, relief or variation in the brickwork, or other accents/complexity be added to the design. Such revisions are subject to staff approval. Landscape plan subject to staff review and approval be submitted."

See the staff report, project drawings and project narrative for more details.

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The page was last updated at 9:53pm on 11/22/24.