2930 E. Jefferson

2930 E. Jefferson Ave.


What's happening?

2930 E Jefferson LLC plans to rehab a building most recently used as law offices of the Cannabis Counsel and open as a small business incubator targeting women- and minority-owned businesses. The first floor is set to include wellness businesses including massage therapy, fitness and body art.

Source: City of Detroit

What are the property details?

Parcel ID:11000085.
Taxpayer:2930 E JEFFERSON LLC
Taxpayer address:250 E HARBORTOWN DR APT 1209 DETROIT MI 48207
Dimensions:56 ft by 175 ft

Where is it?


November 26, 2024: Approving a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate | Detroit City Council

Approving a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate, in the Area of 2930 E. Jefferson Ave, Detroit, Michigan, in Accordance with Public Act 255 of 1978 on behalf of 2930 E Jefferson, LLC. (Petition #2024-328) (The Housing and Revitalization Department has reviewed the application of 2930 E Jefferson, LLC, and find that it satisfies the criteria set forth by P.A. 255 of 1978 and would consistent with development and economic goals of the Master Plan.)

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The page was last updated at 6:15pm on 11/27/24.