Credit Union One new build

5601 Eldred St.


What's happening?

Credit Union ONE plans to raze its existing one-story building, erected in 1966, and build a larger facility on the site and adjacent vacant lots.

Source: City of Detroit

Developers: Credit Union ONE


November 26, 2024: Rezoning request | Detroit City Council

To amend Chapter 50 of the 2019 Detroit City Code, Zoning, by amending Article XVII, Zoning District Maps, Section 50-17-43, District Map No. 41, to revise the zoning: classification for five parcels generally located on the west side of Junction Avenue between Eldred and Christiancy Streets, commonly known as 1503, 1509, 1517, 1521, and 1545 Junction Avenue from the R2 Two-Family Residential District zoning classification to the B1 Restricted Business District zoning classification. (SIX (6) VOTES REQUIRED AND SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE ON THE 8TH DAY UPON PUBLICATION) ROLL CALL

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The page was last updated at 5:50pm on 11/27/24.