Henry Street apartments redevelopment

2467 Cass Ave.


What does it look like?

Henry Street project rendering. Credit: Cinnaire

What's happening?

In 2021, Cinnaire and Olympia Development of Henry Street received a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit for their proposed housing project, which will include a mix of market rate and affordable housing. In 2020, they announced a plan to redevelop seven historic buildings as housing within the boundaries of Henry Street, Cass Avenue, 2nd Avenue and the I-75 Service Drive. Two of the buildings are occupied.

Olympia had previously wanted to demolish the former Atlanta Apartments and Hotel Ansonia (2467 Cass and 2447 Cass Ave.), spurring advocacy that led to City Council creating the Cass-Henry Historic District in 2018.

The project is in the footprint of the District Detroit, but is not included in Olympia's 2023 community benefits agreement for nearby developments. In March 2024, Olympia said construction was slated to start by July.

Sources: Cinnaire, Detroit Historic District Commission, Detroit Free Press

What are the property details?

Parcel ID:02002276.
Taxpayer address:2211 WOODWARD AVENUE DETROIT MI 48201
Dimensions:75 ft by 110 ft

Where is it?

What kind of housing is it?

For rent/sale:To rent

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The page was last updated at 8:37pm on 7/28/24.