Michigan Central Station

2001 15th St.


What does it look like?

Rendering of Michigan Central station and mobility innovation district. Credit: Michigan Central

What's happening?

Ford Motor Company purchased the historic train station in 2018 and is rehabbing it as the lynchpin of its Michigan Central mobility innovation district project. In early 2022, renovation was in its final phase, with Ford working on interior rehab after completing winterization, stabilization and exterior masonry work. The $950 million project, which includes restoration of the adjacent Book Depository building, design of a 30-acre outdoor space, a first-floor community and events space, 10 floors of offices and three floors for a hotel, is expected to open to the public in mid-2023. The project went through Detroit's Community Benefits Ordinance process in 2018. The Beaux Arts train depot, which includes an 18-story office tower, opened in 1913 and ceased train service in 1988, with various redevelopment plans failing to come to fruition and a narrowly escaped city-requested demolition under Moroun family ownership.

Sources: Michigan Central, Detroit Free Press, Fox 2, City of Detroit, Historic Detroit

What are the property details?

Parcel ID:10005873.002L
Taxpayer address:1 AMERICAN RD., WHQ ROOM 612 DEARBORN MI 48126
Dimensions:366 ft by 592 ft

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The page was last updated at 8:37pm on 7/28/24.