Randolph Centre building

1435 Randolph St.

RetailDining & Entertainment

What's happening?

Rehab of a commercial downtown building occupied by Fixins Soul Kitchen on the ground floor.

Source: City of Detroit

Cost: $2.38 million

What are the property details?

Parcel ID:01003946-7
Taxpayer address:1435 RANDOLPH SUITE 200 DETROIT MI 48226
Dimensions:20 ft by 488 ft

Where is it?


October 29, 2024: Approving a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate | Detroit City Council

Approving a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate, in the Area of 1435 Randolph, Detroit, Michigan, in Accordance with Public Act 255 of 1978 on behalf of Randolph Centre 2020 LLC (Petition #1325). (The Housing and Revitalization Department has reviewed the application of Randolph Centre 2020 LLC and find that it satisfies the criteria set forth by P.A. 255 of 1978 and would consistent with development and economic goals of the Master Plan.)

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The page was last updated at 6:29pm on 11/27/24.