Seven townhomes on Rosa Parks

2728-2738 Rosa Parks Blvd.


What's happening?

Townhomes planned on vacant land.

Source: City of Detroit

What are the property details?

Parcel ID:08007462.
Taxpayer:City of Detroit P&DD, Care of DBA
Taxpayer address:2 WOODWARD AVENUE, SUITE 908 DETROIT MI 48226
Dimensions:50 ft by 195 ft
Parcel ID:08007463.
Taxpayer address:500 GRISWOLD STREET, SUITE 1200 DETROIT MI 48226
Dimensions:30 ft by 195 ft

Where is it?

What kind of housing is it?



August 19, 2024: Dimensional variance granted | Board of Zoning Appeals

Timothy Flintoff request dimensional variance to Construct seven Townhouse units on a vacant 0.133-acre site. – Approved with conditions in BSEED Case No: SLU2024- 00027; Decision Date: April 3, 2024; Effective Date April 16, 2024. The subject site is within an R2 Zone (Two-Family Residential District). The Board shall be authorized to hear dimensional variance requests for matters that are beyond the scope of BSEED’s 10% administrative adjustments for a variance of the minimum setbacks; Section 50-8-56(2) (“Other regulations”), as greater than one principal detached residential building is proposed on the R2 zoning lot (“two-family dwelling and townhouse”); and b) Per Section 50-13-253(b) (“Multibuilding, multifamily developments”), a minimum of thirty- five feet horizontal distance is required between the two principal buildings; twenty-five feet horizontal distance is proposed, thus a tenfoot horizontal distance deficiency. (Sections 50-4-131 (6)- Permitted dimensional variances and 50-4-121 Approval Criteria).

AP ACTION OF THE BOARD: Mr. Boman made a motion to Grant dimensional variance to Construct seven Townhouse units on a vacant 0.133-acre site.

Approved with conditions in BSEED Case No: SLU2024-00027. Seconded by Board Member Sherman. Affirmative: Mr. Thomas, Sherman, Weed, Watson, Roberts, Boman Mrs. Moore, Hill-Knot

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The page was last updated at 8:25pm on 11/22/24.