
16131 E. Warren Ave.


What does it look like?

Rendering. Image credit: Field Day/Ultreia, LLC, via Detroit Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

What's happening?

Ultreia, LLC and principals Marc Maxey and Ellen Donnelly plan a $3.8 million rehab of the building with four commercial ground-floor units and three apartments on the second floor, with solar installation and energy efficiency components for the apartments.

Source: City of Detroit

What are the property details?

Parcel ID:21002869.
Taxpayer address:2044 PETERS RD. ANN ARBOR MI 48103
Dimensions:44 ft by 100 ft

Where is it?

What kind of housing is it?

For rent/sale:To rent


October 3, 2024: Event source | WAIT FOR CC APPROVAL OCT 8? Detroit City Council

Approving an Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Certificate on behalf of Ultreia, LLC in the area of 16131 E. Warren Street, Detroit, Michigan 48224, in accordance with Public Act 146 of 2000 (Petition #2024-154). (The Housing and Revitalization Department and Finance Departments have reviewed the application of Ultreia, LLC, and find that it satisfies the criteria set forth by P.A. 146 of 2000 and would be consistent with development and economic goals of the Master Plan.)

August 23, 2024: Construction planned to start in fall 2024 | Morningside Community Organization

July 23, 2024: Brownfield plan with $722,471.00 requested in TIF reimbursement approved | Detroit City Council

Approving Brownfield Plan of The City of Detroit Brownfield Redevelopment Authority for The 16131 East Warren Avenue Redevelopment Project. APPROVED 9-0

July 18, 2024: Event source | Detroit City Council

Establishing a Obsolete Property Rehabilitation District on behalf of Ultreia, LLC in the area of 16131 East Warren Ave, Detroit, Michigan, in accordance with Public Act 146 of 2000 (Petition #2024-154). (The Housing and Revitalization Department has reviewed the application of Ultreia, LLC and find that it satisfies the criteria set forth by P.A. 146 of 2000 and would be consistent with development and economic goals of the Master Plan.)

June 12, 2024: Event source | Detroit Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

16131 E. Warren Brownfield Plan Action Requested: Approve Plan and Submit to Detroit City Council (Resolution)

May 17, 2024: Brownfield plan | Detroit Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

"Ultreia, LLC is the project developer (“Developer”) and owner of the Property. The project contemplated at the Property consists of the renovation of the vacant Building into an approximately seven (7) unit (i.e., four (4) ground floor commercial units, and three (3) second floor residential units) modern building emphasizing the historic architectural characteristics of the Building. The overall capital investment including land is estimated to be approximately $3.8 Million. In addition to restoring this architecturally significant building, the Developer’s goal is to provide well-designed, energy efficient, affordable apartment units to Detroit residents. In addition to a targeted rental range falling between 70%-80% MSHDA published (4/1/2024) Area Medium Income (AMI) and Rent limits, apartment affordability will be enhanced by equipping each residential unit with a highly efficient heat pump for heating and cooling and a solar array with a Powerwall (battery storage) to keep electric costs down and to provide power to each residential unit in the case of power outages."

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The page was last updated at 12:50pm on 10/15/24.